Wednesday 12 May 2010

<- This is the design for the Broadway Musical of Annie. The red is very bright and eye catching and matches the overall colour scheme of annie which is red and white. Having the dog in the image is what i thought for one of my ideas. If we wanted to re create this image we would have to actually rent a dog or borrow someones which would be very hard as we'd need the owner and dog to be checked out and health and safety would need to be carried out. That's why in our show we're using a puppet.

<- This is a poster for a theatre groups performance. They have the main cast members in the design which could be a thought put into consideration for our design. The poster has kept withthe 'Annie' colour scheme. However, i don't particularly like the white background i think maybe it needs to be black, even though white is the colour scheme I think it may look better as black. If we wanted to base our design around this idea it could be easily done except for the fact again thatthe characters would need to be in costume which wouldn't be available until the dress rehearsal.

<- This is the poster for the musical aswell, it is a very simple yet effective idea with the Annie logo at the top and everything else in a small almost unreadable font. However, i don't like how the information is taking over the space of the poster. It needs less writing. However, this poster proves how effective a black background can be instead of a white one.

<- This is the front cover of the DVD of Annie. It features the actress who plays Annie in the film and her dog. They have chosen to use a caption for effect reading 'The Movie of Tommorow' which is a play on words from the song 'Tommorow'. Perhaps Sophie and I could try and have a caption.
This is an effective front cover, showing it's a musical by having musical notes and sheet music.

<- This is actually the design from when Annie was just a cartoon. This is the front cover for her book 'Little Orphan Annie'. Mrs Kent (Our client) did say she would like some of the cartoon features of the old Annie incorporated into our design. In this design you can see Daddy Warbucks with Annie and Sandy. Ths is effective to show the vintage look, we could use this for our design. But, we would need permission and copyright to be abe to use the image.